International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church 2022

The International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians (IDOP) is a day for believers everywhere to focus on prayer for our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters around the world and is this Sunday, November 6.

To help participants pray more specifically for persecuted believers, the ministry has developed a number of resources, including a new video, Rebecca: Nigeria. This short video tells the story of a Nigerian woman who watched helplessly with her daughter as Boko Haram militants killed her husband and son, and burned her home. In the aftermath, she found the Bible that she and her husband had received on their wedding day. “I still use this Bible,” Rebecca said. “It reminds me of God’s faithfulness.”

Rebecca's story will inspire viewers to pray for those who trust in God’s Word as they live faithfully for Christ on the world’s most difficult and dangerous mission fields. Click below to watch!

In addition to this video, listeners can order or download bulletin inserts, PowerPoint slides and sheet music to encourage their families, small groups and churches to pray for persecuted Christians on IDOP Sunday and throughout November. Let your audience know that they can access the available resources when they visit

Thank you in advance for helping us rally believers across the United States for IDOP 2022. We are grateful for your dedicated partnership with The Voice of the Martyrs!

Jillian Meade