Every now and then, we have the honor of having our ministry partners visit the RK Media office here in Westlake Village, California.

Dr. Robert Jeffress and his team from Pathway to Victory dropped by the office on a February afternoon. It’s always a tremendous blessing to be able to connect with our clients and get to spend some time with them in person. While they were here, Dr. Jeffress and Roger Kemp reminisced on the first time they met which happens to be a divine appointment orchestrated by God Himself.

One day, Roger was sitting down in business class getting ready to take off for a flight and next thing you know, Dr. Jeffress boards the same plane and sits right next to him. They began talking and the rest is history!

From Left to Right: Nate Curtis, Ben Lovvorn, Dr. Robert Jeffress, Roger Kemp, Michael Clarke

RK Media Staff are all smiles with Dr. Robert Jeffress and the Pathway to Victory team.

In late January, we had the pleasure of hosting Mark Gregston and his wife, Jan Gregston. It's always a great time when the Gregstons are around!

We are so grateful for our longtime partnership with Mark Gregston and Parenting Today’s Teens.

Using our in-house recording studio, Mark sat down to record new upcoming programs for Parenting Today's Teens alongside Roger and our program producers. And of course, Joe Carlson and Wayne Shepherd joined the session virtually from Chicago.

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