“Where the Gospel is preached, the lives of men and women and boys and girls are transformed. Through His death and resurrection, Christ gives us peace with God, present power for living and future hope for eternal life.”
The Verdict is a daily and weekly 25-minute program featuring the passionate expository Bible teaching of Pastor John H. Munro.
As one might expect from a former lawyer, Pastor Munro does not shy away from using logical exposition of the word and a tasteful amount of commonly known legal metaphors and expressions. In each program, listeners are challenged to turn to the Bible and render a “verdict” as they consider their personal response to the truth of God’s Word. After all, God is the judge who allows us the free will to chose our own verdict by whether or not we will accept the sentence-served & debt-payment of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Pastor Munro presents a clear, no-nonsense examination of Scripture, offering insight and application for both those unfamiliar with the Gospel as well as mature believers following Christ.
Born and raised in Scotland, John Munro graduated from the University of Edinburgh and practiced law in Scotland before God called him to full-time ministry. He and his wife, Gudny, moved to Texas where he attended Dallas Theological Seminary.
For more than 30 years, John has served in pastoral ministry. He has served as Senior Pastor in Kalamazoo, MI; Pittsburgh, PA; and Halifax, Nova Scotia. Since February 2006, he has served as Senior Pastor at Calvary Church in Charlotte, NC.
The Verdict is a media ministry of Calvary Church in Charlotte, NC. At Calvary, the mission is to be and make authentic followers of Jesus Christ. To worship God passionately, to preach and teach His Word faithfully, and to serve others in love, sharing the truth of His Gospel throughout the world.
To learn more about The Verdict, visit TheVerdict.org.
The Verdict is available via FTP download. To add the program to your station’s lineup, fill out the online sign-up form on the right, or visit our contact page.
25-minute Daily and weekend Program
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