“There is a brotherhood within the body of believers, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the common denominator.”
Mention the name, Thru the Bible, or Dr. J. Vernon McGee in Christian circles, and you’ll hear stories of how God has used this Bible teaching program to change lives. For more than 50 years on the radio and in recent years through additional platforms, Thru the Bible has been advancing its mission to take God’s whole Word to the whole world. At any given moment of every day, someone somewhere in the world is listening to Thru the Bible in the language their heart understands best.
Dr. McGee had already been teaching on the radio for many years, when in 1967 he began teaching the Bible studies that laid the foundation for what we hear today on Thru the Bible. When his health began to fail, plans were made to see that the Bible study program continued long after his home-going. The message would remain the same and the "voice" of Thru the Bible would continue to be Dr. McGee, through the use of the previously recorded five-year program.
After Dr. McGee went home to heaven in December 1988, the program's reach continued to grow. Today, Thru the Bible is a worldwide ministry airing on more than 1,500 stations in the U.S. and Canada, and it's heard in more than 100 languages and dialects around the world.
Dr. J. Vernon McGee's Bible teaching is available in three radio program formats. The daily Thru the Bible program invites listeners aboard the Bible Bus to journey through both the Old and New Testaments in just five years. The weekly Question & Answer program shares Dr. McGee's answers to Bible questions sent in over the years by listeners. And the weekly Sunday Sermon features a collection of the most effective and fruitful sermons given by Dr. J. Vernon McGee during his 21-year pastorate at the historic Church of the Open Door in Glendora, California.
To learn more about the ministry, visit www.ttb.org.
Thru the Bible is available via Amb-OS and FTP download. To add the program to your station’s lineup, fill out the online sign-up form on the right, or visit our contact page.
“The whole Word to the whole world: That’s the vision our founder, Dr. J. Vernon McGee, cast from the beginning. As He promised, God has abundantly blessed the proclamation of His Word, and Dr. McGee’s vision is now reality.
When Dr. McGee completed his life in 1988, Thru the Bible was heard in 35 languages. Today, people worldwide receive the teaching of God’s whole Word in over 100 languages, in more than 160 countries.”
26-minute Daily Program
27-minute Weekend Program
45-minute Weekend Program
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