RK Media Partners with Chosen People Ministries in New Messianic Radio Project

It is with great excitement that the RK Media team announces our collaboration with Chosen People Ministries and the coming debut of a brand-new radio ministry.

Coming this spring, Chosen People Ministries will offer a weekly 25-minute radio program and a daily 1-minute program featuring the ministry's president, Dr. Mitch Glaser.

Born into a nominally Orthodox Jewish home, Mitch Glaser first heard the Gospel after two of his closest friends received Jesus as their Messiah. After reading the New Testament and studying Messianic prophecies in the Hebrew Scriptures, Dr. Glaser himself received Jesus in November 1970.


Chosen People Ministries is founded upon Romans 1:16 where the Messianic Jewish Apostle Paul writes:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. - Romans 1:16

"To the Jew first" means that bringing the Gospel to the Jewish people should be a heart priority of every believer in Jesus. If you have questions about Chosen People Ministries or would like samples once they become available, contact our Media Services team at info@rkmedia.co.

On behalf of Chosen People Ministries, we look forward to partnering with you as we make strides in bringing the Gospel to both the Jew and the Gentile alike!

Jillian Meade