NRB 2021 Recap

Our team at RK Media cannot express enough how wonderful it was to connect with so many station and ministry partners in Dallas last week at NRB 2021. After a year of remote work and isolation it felt so good to shake hands, meet over cups of coffee, and reflect together on all that God has done and is doing in Christian media!

Before tying the bow on another successful convention, we wanted to share a few highlights that made the week a pure joy for our team!

RK Media was proud to represent three NRB Award recipients this year! Insight for Living received the Radio Impact Award, FEBC received the International Impact Award, and Thru the Bible received the Billy Graham Award.


On Wednesday morning, we had the joy of hosting our ministry partners for a breakfast event where Chuck Swindoll addressed the room with a beautiful devotional! Then on Thursday, we held a book reception for Todd Nettleton of The Voice of the Martyrs, where he signed dozens of copies of his new book, When Faith is Forbidden.


And of course, what's NRB with out tons of meetings? Thank you to each and every ministry and station partner who stopped by our suite for a meeting last week!


We hope your NRB experience was both productive and life-giving. As always, thank you for linking arms with RK Media as, together, we broadcast the good news of the Gospel across the world.

Jillian Meade